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Dr. Proscovia Mugaba

Dr. Proscovia Mugaba

Dr. Proscovia Mugaba is a Christian medical doctor from Uganda. She currently the Chairperson of the National Executive of the Uganda Christian Medical Fellowship (UCMF), which is affiliated with ICMDA.

She completed her medical degree (MBChB) at Makerere University in Uganda in 2003. She subsequently completed her training in general pediatrics, pediatric cardiology, and has recently completed her training at the University of Alberta to become a fetal cardiologist. With her scope of experience and training, she is eager to support initiation and advancement of organized fetal cardiology services in Uganda. She is a clinician, a researcher and a medical advocate. She is passionate about mentoring students and other health professionals in Uganda, with the goal of improving the quality and scope of medical training in Uganda, to serve the people of Uganda.

She is married, and together with her husband they have been blessed with two sons. She has been involved with the UCMF since her days as a medical student, and she has served on the UCMF Executive committee in various capacities including as Students’ Liaison Committee member since 2007, and through this engagement played a key role in establishing the UCMF National Students’ Chapter that was launched in 2012.

Dr Stephen Muhudhia

Dr Stephen Muhudhia

Dr Stephen Muhudhia is a medical doctor, specialised in paediatrics and child health as well as bioethics. He has qualifications in Bioethics and Health Law; a Master’s degree in Bioethics and Health Law from Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg, South Africa, a Post Graduate Diploma in Biomedical Ethics, from the Centre for Bioethics and Culture of the Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplant in Karachi, Pakistan. He also has additional training by UNESCO is a UNESCO certified teacher of ethics.
Dr Muhudhia is an adjunct professor of Bioethics at Trinity International University and a Co- Director of the Trinity International University Africa Bioethics Initiative program. He is a part-time lecturer in bioethics at Kabarak University, Kenya. In addition, he serves as faculty on the CBEC-KEMRI Bioethics Training Initiative, an NIH-funded program for capacity building in the fields of Research Ethics, Clinical Ethics, Public Health Ethics, Research methodology and IRB administration.
Dr Muhudhia is a member of the Scientific, Ethics and Research Unit (SERU) of the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). He has served for two years on the IRB of Gertrude’s Institute of Child Health and Research in Nairobi, Kenya.
He has a Certificate in advanced leadership from Haggai International and a certificate in Corporate Governance
He is a member of the Bioethics Society of Kenya.

Dr William Griffin 

Dr William Griffin 

Dr. William Griffin serves as the Vice President for Dental Ministries with the
Christian Medical & Dental Associations in the United States. A member of
CMDA since dental school, he has been a part of CMDA’s senior leadership
team since 2019. He averages about four dental mission trips each year, and
he also serves as the Director of CMDA’s Faith Prescriptions Resource,
designed to help Christian healthcare professionals address the spiritual
needs of their patients. Dr. Griffin enjoys opportunities to communicate the
love of Christ, domestically and internationally, through healthcare.

Dr Victor Fredlund

Dr Victor Fredlund

Victor Fredlund graduated in 1979 from London University. In 1981 he started as a medical officer in Mseleni Hospital, KZN, South Africa became Medical Superintendent in 1985 and retired at the end of March 2021. Involved in hospital administration, planning and development, as well as day to day clinical practice. He has written research papers on TB, HIV and Mseleni joint disease; and was also involved in community development, water, sanitation, job creation, education, orphan care, youth work and church ministry. At present running Ngithume Nkosi, which seeks to encourage health workers to a life of service to the community.

Prof Daniel Ojuka

Prof Daniel Ojuka

East Africa board member
Senior lecturer, department of surgery  University of Nairobi, Kenya. Breast and Endocrine Surgeon.

Dr Augustin Lutakwa

Dr Augustin Lutakwa

AEO for Sub-Saharan Africa
Augustin was born in the DR Congo and trained as a General Surgeon in South Africa where he now lives and works. He serves as an Associate Executive Officer (AEO) for ICMDA Sub-Saharan Africa, where he promotes the mission, vision and core values of ICMDA among students and junior graduates. He was also the Congress Director for the 17th ICMDA World Congress held in Arusha, Tanzania in 2023.

Dr Joseph Nkuranga

Dr Joseph Nkuranga

Joseph Nkuranga is a medical doctor based in Nairobi, Kenya. He is a born-again Christian and is currently Chairman of the Board of the Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) in Kenya. Joseph works at the University of Nairobi where he is involved in research projects in the Department of Clinical and Therapeutic Medicine and previously led clinical teams in public health projects in various non-governmental organizations supporting care in faith-based, public and private health facilities across the country. He is married to the beautiful Judy and together they have two handsome, energetic boys.

Dr Peter Saunders

Dr Peter Saunders

Dr Peter Saunders trained as a general surgeon at Auckland Medical School, New Zealand, before becoming a missionary doctor in Kenya. He worked for the Christian Medical Fellowship UK for 27 years and, in 2019, became Chief Executive of the International Christian Medical & Dental Association (ICMDA).

His current work includes leadership training, teaching evangelism and ethics, medical mission, writing, publishing and media work. He is a board member of the Evangelical Alliance. He and his wife Kirsty live in St Albans, UK, and have three sons and two grandchildren.

Dr Santhosh Mathew

Dr Santhosh Mathew

Santhosh is trained as a Physician and works part time in a Mission Hospital at New Delhi. He is  the training coordinator of ICMDA and Regional Secretary for South Asia, ICMDA. He did his MBBS from Medical College Kottayam,  and MD Medicine from CMC Ludhiana.
He was involved in various hospital leadership roles across North India as part of Emmanuel Hospital Association from 1992. He was a lecturer in Nephrology and Medicine at CMC Ludhiana prior to joining EHA. He is married to Saira, an Anesthetist, who currently heads Emmanuel Hospital Association. They have two grown up children.

Dr Alex Bolek

Dr Alex Bolek

Alex Bolek, is a General Practitioner (GP) with Masters in Public and Tropical Health (MPH)

He is ICMDA’s Africa Coordinator and East Africa Regional Secretary since 2017.

Alex is also the chairman of South Sudan Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA-SS)

He is on the board of a number of Christian organisations such as the Scripture Union of South Sudan (SUSS), Fellowship of Christian University Students (FOCUS), ACORD and others.

Alex has a passion for leadership development and is an alumnus of both Haggai International (HI) Leadership Institute and John Maxwell Million Leaders Mandate.

For over ten (10) years, Alex has served with both MOH and international NGOs such as Jhpiego, Healthnet TPO, St. Vincent De Paul Society in different managerial and technical roles implementing public health and humanitarian programs.

Alex has contributed to three (3) books authored by Rev. Colin Salter (UK).

He and his wife Helen founded Timothy School, a community Christian faith-based school and Rock City Medical Centre in Juba, South Sudan.